Based at Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course, in Lexington, Ohio, The Mid-Ohio School provides professional driving and riding instruction to drivers and motorcyclists of all skill levels. The school’s 14 different automobile courses include the renowned Teen Defensive Driving program, High Performance and Racing programs and a Performance Track Riding course for motorcycle riders. Students enjoy classroom sessions, skill drills, expert private instruction and lapping on the same track that challenges the world’s top racers. The school is a past recipient of the prestigious Ohio State Highway Patrol’s Partners for Safety Award and partners with Maria’s Message to teach young drivers about the dangers of distracted driving, and also provides train-the-trainer and curriculum support for the Patrol’s Emergency Vehicle Operations Course held at Mid-Ohio. In 30 seasons, The Mid-Ohio School boasts 82,985 all-time graduates, including 24,180 teenage drivers and 21,689 motorcyclists.
For more information, visit midohioschool.com, ‘like’ its Facebook page @TheMidOhioSchool or follow updates on Twitter @MidOhioSchool.